Seithogei Living School, Kohima, NAGALAND

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Sustainability. Adaptability. Resilience.

English | The Building Block of Success (2022)

Success is not a Destination but a Mmental Discipline! Think!

English | Over-Engineered Product and Energy Crisis (2022)

Why is Modern Technology leading to energy crisis? This is purely a case of Deficiency in Thinking Clearly. Do away with what we can when we still have the time. Follow us on Spotify:

English | Nagaland, To Start With

Nagaland, to start with: What makes Nagaland unique and special? How must we place ourselves in the greater scheme of things. Follow our Podcast on Spotify:

Gardening Hack – Cutting and Root Hormone Application

This video demonstrates how to cut stems for root hormone application. Using root hormone, you can easily propagate a lot of plants in a short amount of time.

Seithogei – The Beginning

This video gives you a glance of Seithogei, as we begin developing it.